The Surge of CRM Software for Marketing Purposes during the Pandemic
In this study the surge of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) management software for marketing purposes during the pandemic will be explained through the scientific research and in-depth interview method. The definitions of the Customer Relationship Management, its types, functioning processes, its new features and its working process will be explained, along with the relevance it has gained during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. An in-depth interview will be carried out with the marketing director of the US based company Protera Technologies. The interview allows exemplifying the usage for marketing process of an IT company of their CRM platform, the reasons behind its usage and its benefits. The importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is going to be covered in this study along with the differences between InBound Marketing and OutBound marketing. Data analytics mechanisms are going to be part of this study. A general understanding of the way that CRM applications operate is going to be further explained. By making use of the in-depth interview academic method, a case study of an American IT company is going to be explained, and out of this study, a proposed inbound marketing scheme is going to be proposed based on the case study.
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